Saturday, 27 June 2009

saturday morning :)

morning all,and s.f. :)
woke up to the sound of the damn pigeons on my roof-if l hear anothe twit tawhoo or something likewise-l will buy a shot gun and say bye to those little feathered friends :)
so,as l was saying.woke up real early,nothing to get up for-but a cup of C and music-passione e amour is playing-one of my early morning tunes-try it your like it hehe
Going for a shower and out to the bank to pay bills-is that a drag or what-yes l hear a few of you say lol
then lunch on the beach-pasta & chicken and a bot of white-seems a good combi-wud'nt you say s.f.?
bye for now
have a good one =one and all

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